Payphones on Film
Series Overview:
Since 2018, I have photographed the remains of public telephone fixtures throughout the southeast - strictly using 35mm film. The Payphones on Film photo series is equal parts scavenger hunt, creative composition, and preservation through documentation. If you know the location of a payphone, please feel free to send me its location via my contact page.
Titles which include “(R.I.P.) indicate locations in which the depicted payphone fixtures no longer exist.
100+ Payphones Photographed
In 20+ Towns
Across 4 States
Announcing Four New Photo-Zines!
Announcing Four New Photo-Zines! 📞
Introducing four new photo-zines: Light ✨, Signs 🛑, Overgrown 🌿, and Fences ⛓️ !
Each booklet contains 16 images from the Payphones on Film series, and the titles reference the common theme shared by the images in each! This first batch is limited to only 24 copies of each.
These will be first available at my table at Queen City Zine Fest on Saturday, October 21st, 2023 from 11am - 5pm at the McColl Center in Charlotte, NC. Entry is free, so please come by and support local creatives and self-publishers!